The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 units are panel mounted three-phase power analyzers (dimensions: 96×96 and 144×144 mm, respectively). Both offer 4-quadrant measurement (consumption and generation). Suitable for Medium or Low voltage installations, in both 3 or 4-wire three-phase circuits, two-phase circuits with or without neutral, single-phase circuits or ARON connections.
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering a large variety of optional expansion modules for the same unit.
- Format: 96×96 (CVM B100) and 144×144 (CVM B150)
- High-resolution VGA colour screen
- IP 65 front panel protection (with sealing joint)
- 5 voltage inputs (3 phases + neutral + earth) 1000 Vf-f
- 4 Current inputs, ITF
- Class 0.2 voltage and current accuracy
- Class 0.5S energy accuracy
- Expandable unit, up to 4 modules, combining digital and analogue outputs, Modbus/TCP, MBus, LonWorks, Profibus, XML/Web
- Modular (optional addition of expansion modules)
- Touch-sensitive movement buttons
- Universal power supply source
- RS485 communications port (Modbus/RTU and BACnet protocols)
- Customisation of parameters to be displayed
- Operating hour indicator for preventive maintenance.
Other features:
- Innovative SCV interface (Slide, Choose & View) for versatile data display, enabling the customisation of the parameters displayed on the screen
- Electrical parameters: instantaneous, maximum, minimum (with date and time) and demand
- Incremental electrical parameters (energy), times, costs, emissions
- 3 Tariffs (can be selected via the digital input or RS485 communications)
- Capable of showing costs and kgCO2 emission sources on the screen, depending on the energy consumed or generated
- 2 Relay outputs for alarms with delay, times, ON and OFF, etc.
- 2 transistor outputs for alarms or impulse generation, with all the possible configuration parameters
- 2 digital inputs, with control over the selection of the unit’s tariffs or configurable for monitoring purposes, with RS-485 Modbus communications, monitoring of logical states of other electromechanical units. (RCCBs, thermal-magnetic circuit breakers, etc.)
- Control and monitoring of all electrical parameters measured in any electric distribution panel and low and high-voltage connection points.
- 4 alarms (2 per transistor and 2 per relay), fully and independently programmable: low or high value, hysteresis, connection/disconnection delays, normally open or closed standby status and interlocking.
- Generation of impulses with transistor outputs, fully and independently configurable over any incremental parameter (energy, costs, kgCO2, total meter or tariff hours)
- Transducer that converts analogue signals to any instantaneous parameter that the unit can measure or calculate, with built-in expansion modules with analogue outputs.
- Display of process signals, with a built-in expansion module with analogue inputs; optional reporting of these signals to SCADA systems through communication systems
- Control of electrical load or alarm signal operations by programming the transistor or relay outputs that are built-in or added through expansion modules.
- Autonomous datalogger with web server, connected to a M-CVMAB-Datalogger module. Enables direct monitoring of the historical data stored in the unit via a conventional web browser.
400 Hz Applications
CVM-B150 provides a version adapted to 400 Hz networks specially designed for applications such as:
- Aeronautical
- Astronautics
- Naval
- Military
AC power supply
DC power supply
Voltage measurement circuit
Current measurement circuit
Measurement accuracy
Digital transistor outputs
Digital relay outputs
Digital inputs
Serial communication
User interface
Environmental characteristics
Mechanical characteristics


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